
Feature film inspired on the works of the brazilian painter Tarsila do Amaral

Mono Animation partned with TV Pinguim to deliver this long feature inspired in the works of Tarsila do Amaral, the modern brazilian painter. The story, in the words of the article from Ep Group, is: “Tarsilinha is an 8 year old girl who embarks on an incredible journey to recover her mother’s stolen memories. The thief is a colorful caterpillar that lives in a fantastic world, inhabited by excentric creatures. On her adventure, Tarsilinha will have to face her fears and overcome obstacles to return home with her mother’s memories.”



Parts of the movie, still on production, were shown at the brazilian TV show “Conversa com Bial”, that welcomed to an interview Tarsilinha herself (the grand – niece of Tarsila) which has been fighting to keep Tarsila’s legacy alive. At the very end of the talk, the host mentions the feature, and shows some excerts of it (from 36:33 until 37:25).


In this clip above, the shots from 1:01 to 1:11 were animated by me.
